Support Line for the Qualification of Supply

São beneficiárias da presente linha, todas as empresas turísticas de qualquer dimensão, natureza e sob qualquer forma jurídica que, cumpram as respetivas condições de enquadramento e de acesso, que pretendam desenvolver os projetos enunciados no ponto seguinte (à exceção do Algarve onde apenas podem aceder as PME), e que se incluam nas seguintes atividades económicas:

  • 49392-Outros transportes terrestres de passageiros diversos (1)
  • 551 - Hotel establishments
  • 55201 - Furnished accommodation for tourists
  • 55202 - Rural tourism

  • 55204 - Other places of short-stay accommodation

  • 55300 - Camping and caravan sites

  • 561-Restaurants

  • 563 - Drinking establishments

  • 771 - Hire of motor vehicles

  • 79 - Travel agencies, tour operators, other reservation services

  • 82300 - Organisation of fairs, congresses and other similar events

  • 90040- Exploração de salas de espetáculos e atividades conexas (2)
  • 93110- Gestão de instalações desportivas (2)
  • 93192 – Outras atividades desportivas, n. e. (2)

  • 93210 – Atividades de parques de diversão e temáticos (2)

  • 93211- Atividades de parques de diversão itinerantes (2)
  • 93292 – Atividades dos portos de recreio (marinas) (2)

  • 93293 – Organização de atividades de animação (2)

  • 93294 – Outras atividades de diversão e recreativas, n. e. (2)

  • 93295 – Outras atividades de diversão itinerantes. (2)
  • 96040- Atividades de bem-estar (2)

Notas: (1) Desde que pelo menos 50% do volume de negócios da empresa registado no ano anterior ao da apresentação da candidatura diga respeito a prestação de serviços de transportes de turistas, sendo que para o efeito deverá ser apresentada uma declaração subscrita por contabilista certificado.

Notas: (2) Atividades enquadráveis, desde que desenvolvidas por empresas de animação turística.

Notas: (3) Enquadramento limitado ao alojamento local na modalidade de estabelecimentos de hospedagem ou moradias

  1. Scope of Projects

The following investment projects are eligible for this line of support:

  • Requalification of existing tourist developments and local accommodation establishments, in the form of lodging establishments and villas, including their expansion, with a view to positioning them in higher value-added segments;
  • Creation of tourist developments and local accommodation establishments, in the form of lodging establishments and villas, provided that, in any of the cases to be implemented in the low density territories and that they are adequate to the current or potential tourist demand and fill supply gaps and appear differentiating in relation to the existing offer in the region;

  • Creation and requalification of enterprises, equipment or entertainment activities, provided they are of interest to tourism;
  • Creation and requalification of catering and drinking establishments, provided they are of interest to tourism;
  • Requalification of establishments with the distinction "Shops with History", obtained according to the criteria of the municipality where they are located;
  • Development of entrepreneurship projects in the tourism sector.

Entrepreneurship projects are those that fulfil the following characteristics:

  • Have a maximum eligible investment of €500,000;

  • Are promoted by small or medium-sized enterprises that have been in business for no more than 2 years;

  • São considerados projetos de empreendedorismo os que
    visem a criação e desenvolvimento de soluções inovadoras, nomeadamente de base
    tecnológica, através da incorporação de conhecimento técnico e/ou científico em novos
    negócios, de forma a atender às tendências do turismo e da sociedade na sua relação
    com o setor.

In addition to these projects, other projects considered to be of relevant interest to tourism may exceptionally be included.

  1. Conditions of Access for Enterprises

Companies must fulfil the following conditions:

  • Comply with the legal conditions necessary for the exercise of the respective activity, namely being duly licensed for the purpose, as well as duly regularised in terms of registration in the National Tourism Register;

  • Possess a balanced economic and financial situation;

  • Have their situation regularised before the Tax Administration, Social Security and Turismo de Portugal;

  • Have organized accounting in accordance with the applicable legislation;

  • Not be in difficulty or subject to a recovery order;

  • Declare that they have no salary arrears;

  • Possuir um quadro de pessoal adequado ao desenvolvimento da respetiva atividade;

  • É obrigatório ser aderente ao Programa Empresas Turismo 360º.
  1. Project Access Conditions

Projects must fulfil the following conditions:

  • They are authorised by the competent authorities, when legally required, or, in cases where architectural projects are required, they are duly approved;

  • Where projects relate to existing developments, these must be duly licensed;

  • Encontrarem-se devidamente asseguradas as respetivas fontes de financiamento do projeto, incluindo o adequado financiamento do investimento elegível por, pelo menos, 20% de capitais próprios;

  • Not exceed 2 years of implementation, except in duly justified situations;

  • Present investment components associated with solutions in the areas of environmental sustainability (efficient energy, water and waste management), as well as accessibility for people with special needs;

  • Contribute to the economic and financial improvement of their companies;

  • Investments can only start after the submission of the financing application, which is considered to be the date of the first invoice associated with the investment project or, whichever comes first, the date of the firm order commitment in the case of advance payments.

  1. Eligible and Non-Eligible Expenditure

For these projects, investment expenditure, tangible and intangible, which is an integral part of the project and contributes to achieving its objectives, plus up to 10% for working capital, is considered.

Expenditure on the following is not eligible for funding:

  • Acquisition of buildings and land;

  • Acquisition of motor vehicles and other rolling stock, except when it corresponds to the tourist entertainment activity itself;

  • Participation in fairs;

  • Trespass and rights to use space;

  • Work for the company itself;

  • Studies, projects and technical assistance that together exceed 7% of the eligible investment;

  • Interim interest;

  • O IVA, desde que recuperável;

  • A aquisição de bens em estado de uso;

  • Juros e encargos financeiros.

The eligibility of expenditure on intangible assets depends on the fulfilment of the following conditions:

  • The assets concerned are exclusively used in the establishment receiving the funding;

  • Be amortisable;

  • Be purchased on market terms from third parties unrelated to the purchaser;

  • Be included in the assets of the beneficiary enterprise and remain associated with the funded project for at least five years or three years in the case of SMEs.

  1. Amount of Support
  • Financiamento – Máximo de 80% do investimento elegível;

  • Capitais Próprios – Mínimo de 20% do investimento elegível.

  1. Adhering Credit Institutions
  1. Other Conditions

Reimbursement: Monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual instalments of principal and interest (constant instalments of principal and interest or constant instalments of principal plus interest);

Early amortisation: Shall not be subject to any penalty and shall be levied proportionally on the instalments financed by the Credit Institution and the TP;

Os financiamentos disponibilizados a Grandes Empresas são concedidos ao abrigo do regime de minimis.


Consult the brochure with all the detailed information about the Support Line for the Qualification of Supply:

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