Support for Self-Employment

Recipients of this support are registered at the employment center under one of the following conditions:

  • Unemployed persons registered for 9 months or less, in involuntary unemployment;
  • Unemployed persons registered for more than 9 months, regardless of the reason for registration;
  • Young people looking for their first job aged between 18 and 35, with a minimum of completed secondary education, or level 3 qualification, and who have not had an open-ended employment contract;

  • Anyone who has never worked as an employed or self-employed person;

  • Self-employed worker whose average monthly income, measured in relation to the months in which he was active, is less than the guaranteed minimum monthly wage.

  1. Levels of Support

Promoters can access the credit lines MICROINVEST and INVEST +

  1. New Business Requirements

New businesses must not have started operating at the time the application for funding is submitted.

From the date of contractualisation of the support and until the termination of the obligations associated with the implementation of the project, the new companies must meet the following requirements:

  • Are regularly constituted and registered;

  • Have a licence and other legal requirements for the exercise of the activity, or proof of application for them;

  • Have a regularized situation with the tax administration and social security;

  • Not being in default with regard to financial support granted by the IEFP;

  • Have organized accounting in accordance with the provisions of the law, when applicable.

  1. Investment Support

Business start-up projects that fulfil the criteria described above are granted financial support of up to 75% of the eligible investment against the thresholds;

The respective projects must provide at least 10 % of the amount of eligible investment in equity capital.
The financial support is granted in the form of interest-free loans, repayable within a maximum period of 54 months, under the following conditions:

Projects whose total approved investment is between 2.5 and 10 times the IAS, inclusive:

  • Deferral period of 6 months from the date the support is contracted;

  • Reimbursement within 18 months immediately following the end of the deferral period;

Projects whose total approved investment is more than 10 and less than or equal to 50 times the IAS:

  • Deferral period of 12 months from the date the support is contracted;
  • Reimbursement within 18 months immediately following the end of the deferral period;

Projects whose total approved investment exceeds 50 times the IAS:

  • Deferral period of 12 months from the date the support is contracted;
  • Reimbursement within 48 months immediately following the end of the deferral period.

Reimbursement of the support granted is made by means of constant and successive monthly instalments.

  1. Support for Self-Employment

Business start-up projects will receive financial support in the form of a non-refundable grant of up to 6 times the IAS per recipient of the promoter who creates a full-time job, up to a limit of 4 supported jobs.

Together, the financial support may not exceed the value of the total investment.

  1. Eligibility of Expenditure

The following expenses are not considered eligible in the business start-up project:

Together, the financial support may not exceed the value of the total investment.

  • With acquisition of real estate;
  • Building construction;
  • Whose relevance to the realisation of the project is not substantiated.

The financial support only finances the working capital indexed to the project up to 50% of the eligible investment, within the limit of 5 times the IAS.

  1. Payment of support

Payment of the financial support for the investment is made in two instalments as follows:

  • Advance payment of 80% of the total amount of support approved for investment support, upon contractualisation;
  • The remaining 20% after physical, documentary and accounting verification of the total investment expenditure, within 30 days from the date of submission of the elements necessary for this purpose.

The payment of the financial support for the creation of own jobs is made in one instalment, at the same time as the advance payment of the investment support referred to above.

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