Start-Up, Business Development Support Line
What is a Start-Up anyway?
Although the concept is often related to technology, it can encompass many other lines of business. We consider that to have this designation, the company needs to have been created recently and present a new business model, which is intended to be disruptive, with a high growth potential and that presents a new concept / technology / service that can become repeatable and scalable, to be able to enhance its rapid development and introduction into the market.
To support these enterprises there is the "Business Development Support Line", which aims to foster the development in Portugal of an innovative, internationally competitive and financially sound business fabric, at a time when the aim is to rehabilitate the economy and minimize the adverse effects generated by the pandemic at the economic level.
What does this helpline provide? What are the requirements?
This line will have the capacity to support micro-enterprises in the initial phase of their life cycle, enabling access to bank financewith specific and favorable conditions for them, which could not be achieved if the funding was requested privately.
Criteria for enforceability:
- Companies with 4 years of existence (maximum);
- Existence of 15% equity (minimum) to finance the project;
- No banking incidents or irregularities in the Administration;
- Tax and Social Security.
Funding amounts maximum is EUR 50 000.
To facilitate the whole process, there are numerous credit institutions adhering to this Support Line, in an effort to offer the best possible conditions to the entrepreneur, also offering the convenience of continuing to work with your bank of choice, if you wish.
BUYME Business works closely with the client in all steps of the application to this Support Line, namely at the level of carrying out Business Plans and Economic Feasibility Studies, necessary in order to guarantee its approval.
Are you interested in this support? Need more information?
Contact us and learn in detail about all its benefits.
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