Portugal 2030: Building a Future of Excellence and Innovation
Portugal 2030 is a partnership plan between Portugal and the European Commission aiming to boost competitiveness and economic efficiency, strengthen social cohesion, improve the quality of life of the population, and promote sustainable development.
Portugal 2030 is a partnership plan between Portugal and the European Commission aiming to boost competitiveness and economic efficiency, strengthen social cohesion, improve the quality of life of the population, and promote sustainable development.
O plano abrange The plan covers the period from 2021 to 2027 and allocates a total of 23 billion euros to various sectors, including the economy, education, health, energy, and the environment, among others.
This program receives funding from European funds such as the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) and the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFF). The Agency for Development and Cohesion (AD&C) is responsible for coordinating the program, in collaboration with other public and private bodies. The implementation of the program will occur through several operational programs, each with specific objectives and measures tailored to each area of intervention.
Portugal 2030 programming is based on five strategic objectives of the European Union: making Europe smarter, greener, more connected, more social and closer to its citizens.
It is under each program that the support will be created and the conditions to be met by those who want to apply will be defined, such as:
Municipalities and other public bodies
Cooperatives, associations, private institutions of social solidarity, and other private entities.
Os beneficiários dos apoios serão definidos no aviso de abertura de cada candidatura.
The plan is implemented through 12 programs, four of which are thematic - Demography, qualifications and inclusion; innovation and digital transition; climate action and sustainability - and the others regional, covering the different regions of the country and also the European Territorial Cooperation Programs in which Portugal participates.
Portugal 2030 is an ambitious plan that aims to boost economic competitiveness, strengthen social cohesion, improve quality of life and promote sustainable development in Portugal.
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