Business Plan
O 1º passo é o mais importante
The Business Plan is the first step to take in the process of setting up a businessIt is also an instrument that can be created for support strategic decision-making which may include, among others, structural changes in the management of the company, hiring of Human Resources, implementation of new technologies, increase of new services/products offered and investments. In this way, both can make use of this instrument, prrojects still in structuring, start-ups or even companies with a few years of activity, que pretendem testar a viabilidade económica de algum dos pontos mencionados acima.
This tool should be concise and objective in order to be able to define and structure a sustained business modelThis will lead to reflection on key details that may not have been properly considered so far, including costs, investment values and so on.
It can be appropriate to the reality of each company and include differentiated points, there is, however, a basic structure that is important to include in every Business Plan, which includes the following topics:
It is a short presentation of the project, or in the case of the Business Plan it serves to support a decision making, it works as a summary of what you intend to do and how to implement the actions defined.
Presentation of the company and the creators
In this section, the company itself will be presented, namely in terms of legal data concerning it, as well as the profile of the project creators/entrepreneurs.
Strategic objectives
Within the scope of the strategy definition, both short and medium/long-term strategic objectives will be defined, which will act as guidelines for the implementation of the company's strategy and its fulfillment in the following years.
Regarding the timing, it is intended to establish time targets on the timings related to the project to be developed or the changes that are intended to be implemented, in order to be able to more easily structure the steps to be developed.
Human Resources
In this part it is important to make known the staff that you intend to have in the company after the implementation of the project or the implementation of the changes, as well as their functions and qualifications.
For the analysis of the investment required and before proceeding to the financial study itself, it is important to be able to quantify the investment in the various items that constitute it, describing each one in detail.
Market analysis
In the market analysis we include the analysis of the target audience and the existing competition. This is one of the most important points of the Business Plan because it will allow us to understand if there is "space" for the project to be implemented in the existing market, if the market is "saturated" or not, if it brings any innovation that can allow its sustained growth. If these are not projects, the analysis also goes in the same direction, realizing if the new product / service fits favorably in the market.
SWOT analysis
This is one of the most used analyses in the context of strategic analysis, because by defining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a given company / project it is possible to better understand which points should be improved and which can be used in order to benefit the company.
Analysis of the Economic and Financial Viability of the Investment
Within the economic/financial viability the following topics of analysis stand out:
Turnover, Raw Material Costs
This is one of the key points to be taken into account, in which it is necessary to define the prices that are practiced (or that will be practiced in the future), also estimating the quantity of units sold. Similarly, if this is a project involving the purchase of inventories, these must also be accounted for.
Human Resources
Although Human Resources have already been mentioned, in this part of the Business Plan, the total expenses with the staff will be shown and accounted for, either through the gross remuneration, as well as the Christmas / Vacation allowances and discounts made, making it possible to arrive at the total value of estimated expenses with Human Resources.
Activity Expenditure
This heading includes expenses related to rents, electricity, water, consumables, among others that may be necessary for the normal operation of the company.
Financing Plan
If it is necessary to resort to financing, namely from banks or EU funds, this is where the entire plan for the loan received will be demonstrated in detail, from information on interest rates to repayments, grace years and taxes to be paid.
With all the data specified above, we can arrive at economic, financial, liquidity and business risk indicators. These will assist the financial analysis of a given project/company, using indicators such as financial autonomy, solvency, return on assets and degree of leverage.
Valuation, Income Statement and Balance Sheet
Finally, the evaluation of the investment made is presented, with the following forecast indicators: NPV, IRR and PR, as well as the Income Statement that contains key data for the analysis of the project, namely in terms of EBITDA and Net Income, complemented by the Balance Sheet with estimated data regarding Assets, Liabilities and Equity.
At BUYME Business we carry out the Business Plan tailored to the needs and objectives of your project/company, working closely with you at all stages of its implementation.
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