Financial Consultancy

Do you need financial advice? Do you know the economic viability of your project or want to make an investment? Our team will guide you in a personalised way to meet all your objectives.

consultoria financeira

In the financial advisory service, we provide personalised advice that meets your needs and objectives, both in terms of possible investments to be made at the business level and at the private investment level.

At the enterprise level, counselling may include:

  • Economic feasibility studies
  • Applying for EU funds
  • Financing management
  • Integration in a 360º consultancy

At a particular level, advice can be integrated into this consultancy at the level of:

  • Investment (creation of investment portfolio)
  • Savings
  • Credit consolidation

At this point, it is worth emphasizing that the different customer profiles (conservative, moderate and aggressive) are taken into account, and all services provided by In BUYME Business work in partnership with banking institutions, through intermediation.

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